Shahi Toast

Shahi Toast

July 27, 2021


10 – Bread slices
100 gm – Sugar
115 gm – Condensed milk
115 gm – Khoya
1 cup – Milk
Ghee to fry
16 – Silver leaves
4 Small cardamoms
Saffron color
Rose water
15 gm – Pistachios


Remove the crust of bread slices.

Deep-fry the slices to a golden brown color.

Boil the milk and add sugar to it.

Boil them to a thick consistency and add fried bread slices to it.

Add condensed milk, cardamoms, khoya and a few drops of rose water and saffron color to it and cook on slow fire to a very thick consistency.

To serve, arrange the slices on plate and sprinkle shredded nuts and silver leaves.